June 25 Council Meeting and Congrats on AAA Bond Rating!

We had a productive Council meeting last evening and what a great day for all of us, with the announcement of our AAA Bond Rating and thanks to all of the citizens who came to the reception at 6.

Congrats to Jeanne Bonds for her Budget Award.

Highlights of the evening included our vote on the 2013 Budget, adoption of the Mccrimmon Area Transit Plan, and also an update on the NC 54 Bypass, Mccrimmon Extension, which  as the Mayor reminded us, will begin within twelve months of the bonds passing.

My only concern on the budget, moving forward, is that we fund Disaster recovery, next year, looking at hosting our data in a secure cloud, as it is important that we are always prepared for any type of incident, which could take away or data or have us down for a while.

Finally, we also need to be prepared for economic uncertainty, especially with the potential cuts to our revenue sources but we are already taking proactive measures to address the situaton.

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