Play 14 – Sustainable Innovation Program

Picture from Steve Rao Facebook Live - My Play of the Week Message on a Sustainable Innovation Program

My Play of the Week Message on a Sustainable Innovation Program

My Message on Sustainable Innovation Program:

Morrisville Play of the Week:
Sustainable Innovation Program

Picture - Solar Station at Fire Station 1

Solar Station at Fire Station 1

This week, my play of the week is that we encourage more entrepreneurs to bring sustainable innovation and smart city solutions to our staff as we continue to take the lead on doing our part to reduce carbon emissions in Morrisville. Our Solar Array Launch is he first step in demonstrating that we are taking the lead on sustainability in Morrisville.

As we look at developing our own Innovation District in Morrisville, and even incubators, we must also encourage, and develop a Smart City Campus, where more companies, and innovators can pilot their solutions at different Morrisville departments.

More to come on this play in the next few weeks!