Memorial Day 2021

Picture from Steve Rao FaceBook Live - My Message on Memorial Day 2021

My Message on Memorial Day 2021

Picture - 2021 Memorial Day

2021 Memorial Day

All of us love the idea of superheroes, living among us, extraordinary individuals, who make us feel safe, secure, and who go out of their way to protect us every day.

However, as we kick off our first maskless, Summer Memorial Day weekend since 2020, it is important to remind our children, and ourselves that the greatest superheroes, or real Avengers, have existed in our nation from its inception, to the present day, our brave men and women of the Armed Forces.

American soldiers did not come from other worlds, or have special powers like or favorite characters in the Marvel universe but they have demonstrated the greatest courage, bravery, selflessness, and have sacrificed their own lives to preserve our freedom as Americans and to fight against oppression and for freedom all around the world.

On this Veterans Day, Let us remind our children, and ourselves that the greatest superheroes, or real Avengers, have existed in our nation from its inception, to the present day, our brave men and women of the Armed Forces.

From the Revolutionary War which gave us our independence, to every war our nation has fought all over the world, the American solider has been the example for each of us of the model citizen, whose very existence is an enduring reminder of not only the greatness of our nation but the great potential which exists in each of us to make the world a better, safer place.

A few years ago, I met one of these superheroes, the late Sargent Dale Beatty, U.S. National Guard, at the EDM4US Troops Golf Tournament.

On Nov 15 2004, on a mission in Afghanistan, his vehicle struck anti-tank mines that left him a double amputee below the knees. After a successful reintegration to his community in Statesville, NC, Beatty partnered with his long time army pal, John Gallina, also severely injured in the same explosion to form a nonprofit service for disabled veterans, Purple Heart Homes. Beatty and Gallina have been profiled on Time Magazine and CNN heroes for their unparalleled work ethic to give back, having built over 70 homes for disabled veterans.

Sargent Beatty’s story of service and giving back, is a living example of the great superhero potential within each of us, to change the world and make it a better place. He passed away a few years ago and he will be missed.

_12,000_Flags_for_12,000_Patriots__EventAs Americans, we often forget, amidst increasing division and the politics of hate and fear, that we are and can be a nation of superheroes. I see this great potential within our elected officials, the firefighters and first responders who keep us safe, the volunteers and community organizers, who raise money to cure cancer and disease and to help those less fortunate in our nation and around the world.

If each of us can strive to be extraordinary and recognize this potential, only then can we truly honor the great sacrifices our brave soldiers have made to preserve our freedom from our founding as a nation to the present day.

Only then, can we truly live out the creed of our founding fathers, to be a united nation under God Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all and honor the words of President Lincoln that a Government of the People, By the People, and For the People Shall Never Perish from the Earth.

May God Bless our Superhero Nation, the United States of America.

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