Meeting with Breckenridge HOA on Northwest Park

On Thursday evening, I attended, the Breckenridge HOA meeting, regarding Northwest Park, where the community was briefed by Jerry Allen, our Parks and Recreation Director.       Mayor Holcombe, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson, Councilman Schlink and I attended.

The purpose of the meeting was for the community to inform staff and the Town on what exactly they would be looking for in a Park, and also for the staff to update the community on the contsraints or obstacles, for developing the park, with the major hurdle being Louis Stephens Road, not being developed yet.   Clearly, many residents were frustrated that years have gone by, and nothing has been done, but also, let me point, out that the Town, did not expect the Louis Stephens Road project to be dropped by the Town of Cary.

Basically, the options could include a very basic playing area, with no shelters or restrooms, or more sophisticated plans to develop parking on site with shelters, restrooms, and fecning around the park, which is really about 2 acres of usable land.    Challenges would exist to get in and out of the Park but options are on the table to get a park completed.

I propose a phased approach, with a one time design estimate for a completed park, and then funds allocated for different phases, but that we at lease allocate the funding for phases, based on a master design plan.

This way, the residents, and citizens know they will be getting some type of park, and we can satisfy some of the expectations that have developed within the community over the past several years.    I will be updating on my Council Site, the Northwest Park options, for review, and do hope we can vote for an option and to begin this process in July.

Thanks to Jerry Allen for a job well done and for all of the residents who attended.

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