Guest Speaker on Geet Baazaar and 88.1 FM

I started my day on 88.1 FM, as a guest on Geet Bazaar radio show.

On this program, I highlighted the The Young Entrepreneurs or TYE program, which is a global entrepreneur competition, hosted and sponsored by the TIE Carolinans and TIE Global organization.

TIE Global is the premier entrepreneurial and mentoring organization in the world, with over 43 chapters in the world, and over 300,000 members.   Our Carolinas Chapter is a growing chapter in the Southeast, with its primary misison to focus on mentoring and lifting up start up companies and creating jobs in North Carolina.

TYE is a program, designed to help high school students (9th – 12th grade) develop an acumen and knowledge of developing careers in entrepreneurship.    It is really a business accelerator for High School students and the goal is to inspire the next generation to dream big and create companies.

Basically, the deadline to apply for the orogram is August 31 with the final deadline for decisions announced by Sept. 4th.    During  the program, students will be paired in teams, will interact with mentors, and investors, along wit lawyers as they develop and finalize their business plans before final presentation before the TYE Board and panel.

Winning teams can receive up to $5000.00 in prize money and then can participate in the global compeition, which has not yet been announced.    In 2011,  the TYE global finals was held in the Research Triangle at Cisco headquarters and involved over 9 stated being represented and teams from other nations.   North Carolina team tied for first place in the finals!

At the end of the day, I am working very closely with tthe TIE Carolinas team to make sure that we can promote TYE in Morrisville, especially to our local high schools in the area.    I cannot think of a better way to create jobs, connect these young entrepreneurs to our programs in Morrisville.

Thanks to TIE Carolinas and TYE for hosting the TYE Program, and to Geet Bazaar for hosting me on the program!


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