Morrisville Town Councilman Steve Rao to Host Small Business Open House on Job Growth

Steve Rao, an at-large member of the Morrisville Town Council, has announced that he will host a Small Business Open House on Thursday, April 18 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Goels Plaza, located at 117 International Drive. During the open house, Rao and attendees will discuss the small business environment in Morrisville and the surrounding areas. Participants will work together collectively to create a plan that will address the needs and concerns of small businesses in the area by taking their feedback into account and brainstorming how their suggestions and concerns can be converted into action items that will strengthen small business growth and generate new jobs locally.

Guest Speaker, Steve Rao, on 88.9FM’s Upfront! Radio Show

I want to thank the listeners and citizens who called into the Upfront Radio show on Saturday am on 88.9 FM.

As I promised, please go visit the Council for Entrepreneurial Development, TIE Carolinas, and Bull City Forward. I have put these links on my site for you to learn more about the types of support organizations out there for our local entrepreneurs.