New RTP Park to offer tennis courts, cricket fields, walking trails and picnic areas for Morrisville residents to enjoy.
Author: Steve Rao
Steve Rao Shares Vision–Morrisville Candidate Forum Now Online
Candidate Steve Rao expresses views on Morrisville transportation issues at candidate forum.
Steve Rao Hosts Technology Roundtable
Steve Rao hosted a Technology Roundtable with entrepreneurs and venture capital investors last week. A main topic was Open Data and how towns and cities can benefit from making statistical data available to the public.
October 8 Council Meeting
The evening began with an Invocation by Council member Schlink and the Pledge of Allegiance. It was a bitter sweet moment to celebrate the retirement of Master Officer Jon Macbride, […]
Steve Rao Welcomes June Atkinson To Morrisville
Dr. June Atkinson met with Morrisville residents on October 10 to discuss North Carolina schools.
Chinatown in Morrisville Project Moves Forward
Wonderful dedication ceremony with the partners, investors, town and state officials, and invited guests to celebrate the official planning and implementation of the new North Carolina Chinatown! The renovation of […]
Anuraag Foundation 5K Run
I began Sunday with another 5K, to join our community for the Anuraag Foundation run to raise money for literacy and other causes. “Anuraag” in Sanskrit means “Love and Affection”. […]
Special Olympics 5K run by Morrisville Police Department
Thanks to our Police Department for hosting a 5K run to raise money for Special Olympics. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson attended along with our new Town Manager, Martha Wheelock! […]
Oct. 4 Office Hours
This week was a very productive office hours, with two very key meetings, which made me very excited. Airport Mall Project I met with the former owners of the mall, […]
Morrisville and the Battle of Gettysburg
Yesterday, evening, I attended, along with my father, the Ernest Dollar lecture, on the Battle of Gettysburg. As a member of the Town Council, I was very proud of this […]