Town Council Office Hours
Author: Steve Rao
Nov 26 Town Council Business Session
Morrisville Town Council Meeting
Councilman Rao Week in Review for Nov 18- 22 week
Office Hours Tennis Academy- I met with investors and tennis coach from Florida, looking to establish a world class tennis academy in Morrisville. We mety with Staff and there […]
Enloe High School Talent Show
On Friday evening, I had the honor of serving as a Judge at the Enloe High School Talent Show, to raise money for hunger and charity. To be honest, I […]
Nov 12 Council Meeting and Office Hours
Nov 12 Council Meeting and Office Hours Council meeting was, as always, informative and productive. Invocation was led by Councilmember Broadwell. Presentations Morrisville 101 graduation began the evening with 26 […]
Asian Indian Americans Increasingly More Involved
I was interviewed for an article that showcases Morrisville’s vibrant multi-cultural community.
Saluting our Veterans
I wanted to take this opportunity to salute our Veterans and let them know how much we appreciate their service to our nation. Our freedom is made stronger every day […]
Thanks for your support and for four more years!
My fellow citizens, supporters, and friends, On behalf of my family and campaign, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you, the citizens of Morrisville for four […]
November 5 is Election Day for the Town of Morrisville. Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m.
Steve Rao and Morrisville Technology
Steve Rao strongly encourages Morrisville to model other cities where existing resources are leveraged to improve information technology efficiency and drive innovation. That includes exploring Cloud Computing options and making the town’s statistical data (permits, crime, transportation, etc.) open and available to entrepreneurs in our region for developing new applications while increasing citizen engagement. These endeavors foster government efficiency, transparency and promote job creation.