Interfaith Prayer Breakfast at Church of Latter Day Saints

I enjoyed a wonderful Prayer Breakfast, at the Church of Latter Day Saints in Morrisville, for the first Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, organized by Mayor Holcombe, and hosted by the Church.  We had a number of faith commununities, including the leaders from the Hindu, Jewish, and Islamic communities of the Triangle, along with all of the leaders of the Latter Day Saints.   

We all pitched in to provide ideas, on how we can continue to encourage dialogue between faith communities along with embracing the diversity we have in Morrisvile. 

Dr. Raj Palavaram, suggested that we have one community event, where we could have all of the faiths together and celebrate how we all worship the same god but in different ways.   I suggested more Open Houses, where each community can share with the entire community, more about their faith, similar to what the Islamic Communities of the Triangle do every year.

Thanks for Steve Bodine and Dr. Boggess and all of the Latter Day Saints Leaders and Mayor Holcombe for organizing this event.   More ideas and next steps to follow!

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