Yesterday, I attended the MLK Prayer Breakfast at the Sheraton Imperial.
It was inspiring to hear Rev. Otis Moss, pastor of United Church of Christ in Chicago. David Crabtree, Anchor at WRAL, spoke about his recent trip to South Africa and the impact Mandela and King had on his life. Other elected officials also shared their perspectives, including a welcome from Raleigh Mayor Nancy Mcfarlane and Durham Mayor Bill Bell.
As a person of Indian descent, I have a special place for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement in my heart. Dr. King borrowed principles of the
non-violent movement from Mahatma Gandhi’s Ahimsa movement. Dr. King became deeply acquainted with Gandhi’s non-violent grassroots organizing efforts d
uring his research at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania between 1948-1951. During his visit to India in 1959, Dr. King paid a visit to Gandhi’s family.
King and Gandhi remind us that the struggle against oppression does not require using violence. Non-violent and democratic means are the best strategies for fighting injustice. As we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday, let us be committed to his vision for empowering the marginalized and promoting the cause of peaceful coexistence.