During this weekend and on Monday, we take time to honor the bravest and finest citizens of our nation, who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. 1,297,627 military casualties from all wars fought from 1775 to present day.
From the revolutionary war to the present day, our fallen soldiers, are an everlasting reminder that freedom is not only worth fighting for but dying for. These heroes gave their own lives so that our nation could long endure.
As we see Ukrainians fighting to save their Democracy, I was reminded of a trip to France a few years ago, when I visited the beaches of Normandy. Emotion took over as I saw with my own very eyes, where many of our Greatest Generation heroes died, to preserve freedom for the entire world.
I leave you with President Obama’s inspiring words at Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day in 2016:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the people it produces, but by those it remembers. We do so not just by hoisting a flag, but by lifting up our neighbors. Not just by pausing in silence, but by practicing in our own lives the ideals of opportunity and liberty and equality that they fought for. We can serve others, and contribute to the causes they believed in, and above all, keep their stories alive so that one day, when he grows up and thinks of his dad, an American like David Wheeler can tell them, as well, the stories of the lives that others gave for all of us.”
We will never forget them.
We will always remember them.
We will always be grateful for their sacrifices so that the great American Project can endure forever and be passed on to future generations.
May they forever rest in Peace. God Bless the United States.